.realestate 域名價格


.realestate 為頂級通用域名。


  • 能保護您網域的免費SSL憑證
  • Gandi 的 LiveDNS 名稱伺服器支援 Anycast + DNSSEC
  • 10,000 個別名與轉址位址

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Rules and particularities of .realestate domain names


由 Gandi.net 管理的 .REALESTATE 域名

委任:Gandi 自 2018 年 7 月起接受 .REALESTATE 之委任


分配: 所有人皆可註冊 .REALESTATE 域名
語法: 3 至 63 個英數符號或 1 個連字符號 (開頭、第三、第四與結尾位置不得為連字符號)
IDN (特殊字元域名): 不支援
註冊年限: 全面開放時期可註冊 1 至 10 年,其他時期都僅能註冊 1 年。


DNS update: please note that DNS updates to successful Sunrise registrations will not be possible from the close of Sunrise period to the start of general opening
Renewal: domains are deactivated upon expiration. It is possible to renew up to 45 days following the expiration date
Disputes: URS and UDRP
Transfer (change of Registrar): the process is started on the new registrar's interface with an auth code. Ensure that your domain does not have a TransferProhibited status, is older than 60 days and has not been transferred in the last 60 days. The effective transfer depends on your validation (by email) and renews the domain name for one year
Change of Ownership: available on our interface, the current procedure consists in email confirmation by both former and new domain name owner. The expiration date is unchanged
Deletion process: quarantine of 30 days, see this table

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