.sg 域名價格




  • 能保護您網域的免費SSL憑證
  • Gandi 的 LiveDNS 名稱伺服器支援 Anycast + DNSSEC
  • 10,000 個別名與轉址位址

.sg domain prices



per year
  • From 1 to 2 years



  • 续用域名的最小期间



per year
  • From 1 to 2 years
  • Late renewal (domain suspended): 30 days after the domain's expiration date - $128.61
Pricing Options Prices for 新加坡, taxes excluded, in SGD (SGD)

Other prices and periods


30 days after the late renewal period


the first year, then renewal at normal price

Owner Change



Rules and particularities of .sg domain names


Related Contract

View the .sg contract

由 Gandi.net 管理的 .SG 域名

委任:Gandi 自 2018 年起接受 SGNIC 委任


分配: .SG 域名開放給所有人註冊。
.COM.SG 域名保留給在新加坡當地的商業公司,或是有在新加坡會計及企業管制局(ACRA,Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority)所登記的公司。但國外公司也可以註冊 .COM.SG 域名。但是您必須指定一個有效的 SignPass ID 或是 CorpPass ID。如果您在註冊此域名時並未提供本地聯絡人,Gandi 將會自動並且免費在域名管理局註冊此域名的管理人是 Gandi。
語法:1 至 63 個英數符號或 1 個連字符號(開頭、結尾、第三與第四位置不得為連字符號)
註冊期限:1 到 2 年
子域名:支援,Gandi 提供 .COM.SG


Registration: owner contacts who are a legal person have to indicate their entity number during the registration process
Verification process: if you provide a local administrative contact, this contact will receive an email from the Registry to validate the identity and contact details of the owner contact. To do so, the administrative contact will have to login via the link provided by the Registry (http://verifiedid.sgnic.sg) with its SignPass ID or CorpPass ID and validate the owner contact information or request the owner contact to update its information if necessary. If the owner contact information is not validated within 21 days of the domain name registration, the Registry will suspend the domain name and the renewal of the domain name will be prohibited.
If Gandi’s local contact is declared as the administrative contact of your domain name at the Registry, Gandi may request you an ID document or any other document to validate your information at the Registry. If you do not provide the requested document within the given deadline, Gandi will not validate your information, and so your domain name will be suspended by the Registry and the renewal of your domain name will be prohibited.
Renewal: domains are deactivated upon expiration. It is possible to renew up to 30 days following the expiration date
Disputes: SDRP
Transfer (change of Registrar): the process is started on the new registrar's interface with an auth code. Ensure that your domain name does not have a TransferProhibited status and will not expire in less than 7 days. The effective transfer renews the domain name for one year
Change of Ownership: available on our interface, ensure that your domain name does not have a TransferProhibited status. The procedure consists in email confirmation by both former and new domain name owner. The expiration date remains unchanged
Deletion process: quarantine of 30 days

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