.se domain prices
Rules and particularities of .se domain names

Related Contract
Gandi 之下.SE 的域名
委任: Gandi 自 2009 年 7 月起接受域名管理局 IIS 委任域名註冊局註冊合約: http://www.iis.se/docs/Registreringsvillkor_eng.pdf服務條款
屬性: .SE 開放給所有人註冊語法: 2 至 63 個英數符號或連字符號(開頭或結尾位置不得為連字符號)
IDN(特殊字元域名): 是
註冊期限: 1 至 10 年
子域名: Gandi 未提供
註冊: 域名註冊局在註冊 .SE 域名時規定您要提供身分證字號:- 若您位於瑞典,則請提供有效的瑞典個人或組織編號﹝6位數字、破折號、4位數字﹞
- 若您在瑞典以外地區:請提供您的身分證字號﹝公民登記字號、公司登記字號或同等級編號﹞
- 若您是位於歐盟境內但是在瑞典境外的公司:請提供您的加值稅 ID
續約:最晚於到期日 2 天以前
爭議: 爭議解決政策
轉移﹝變更域名註冊商﹞: 轉移需求將由新的域名註冊商網站提出。請確認您有該域名的授權碼(由當前域名註冊商取得),並確認域名不會在短期內過期。
所有權變更:需要填寫 Gandi 的所有權人變更表單,請與我們的客服聯絡。域名到期日不會變更。
刪除程序:隔離期 60 天,請參見 表格 "續約、贖回及刪除的時間點"
.SE 資訊
GANDI is an accredited registrar for the Swedish top domain, .se. Together with .SE, GANDI is working for positive development of the Internet in Sweden for the benefit of users and society at large. Our common goal is satisfied domain holders, regardless of whether they are large organizations or private persons.You can find here the terms and conditions of registrations that apply for registration of .se domain names.Information about handling of personal information:GANDI handles personal information in a manner that is in accordance with the Swedish Personal Data Act (1998:204) and .SE's integrity policy.
Hours of operation: Gandi’s support department answers received questions Monday through Friday, as described here. We will answer your questions as quickly as possible. You can either e-mail your questions to support@doman.se.
Company information:
.SE Registry
常見問題 FAQ
Gandi 提供數種簡單且高品質的代管方案:
Explore our various services:
- Check the domain availability of your ideal domain name with our domain search tool
- Gandi 提供超過 750 種的網域名稱
- 選擇註冊新頂級域名
- WHOIS資料庫:查詢域名聯絡人的公開資料
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