Our new platform is already available at www.gandi.net

Go to the new Gandi

A hospital is a kind of sacred place. It's where people go to get better. And now, with a .hospital domain, whether you're helping people or animals or anything for which good health is a priority, you can create the online space for them to get better too.

The .hospital TLD is entering the Sunrise phase today, January 10, meaning it can now be purchased at Sunrise pricing for TMCH holders at $162.79*. If you want to take advantage of this period, you have until March 11, 2017 to do so.

Or, if you don't have a trademark registered with TMCH, you can still register now for the Landrush phase for priority registration, which launches March 13, 2017. During this phase, .hospital domains will be available for $182.81*. You have until March 15, 2017 to take advantage of this phase.

Finally, on March 22, 2017, .hospital opens its doors to the general public when it enters the GoLive phase. You can register for this phase, which is the final release phase, now.  Domains will be available for $63.11 per year* at A rates in the GoLive phase.

Register your .hospital?



*Prices in USD. See  .hospital for local prices

What's the difference between a cam and a camera anyway? They both take photos and videos, but a cam is enhanced by the internet.

Sure, on the one hand, that means selfies and doggy daycare cams. And who doesn't love selfies and doggy cams?

But also with a webcam, families separated by continents and oceans can talk face-to-face, news can be streamed live online as it happens, someone unable to speak can relay a message to someone else unable to see or read signs. Or a window can be opened from your desktop to another place.

There's nothing wrong with photos, but with the power of the web, a camera becomes so much more powerful (just remember to cover yours up when you're not using it).

That power is also behind the new TLD .cam.

On Wednesday, December 14, .cam will be entering the GoLive phase. That means .cam domains will be open to everyone, first come, first served, for $40.25 per year at A rates*.

If you've got a vision to share, get your .cam now.

Get a .cam?



*Prices in USD. See .cam page for local pricing.

TLDs delegated by ICANN this month are all a little strange, each in their own way and, as always, they all represent a slightly different take on the intersection between TLD and community.

Recently-delegated TLDs

.freeNovember 8

Perhaps the most contentious of the TLDs delegated to the root zone this past month, the .free TLD was among the 58 applications the European Commission flagged as potentially incompatible with "existing policy positions and objectives of the European Union."

At issue is a letter sent to applicants for 58 TLDs by the European Commission in 2012 in which they specifically noted that in doing so they were side-stepping ICANN's mitigation process.

The heart of the issue lies in the European Commission's disagreements with ICANN, specifically regarding adopting their copyright and trademark policy, which is a long-standing conflict going back years. Suffice it to say the European Commission leadership doesn't feel empowered enough by ICANN's multi-stakeholder model.

In the end, Amazon won the contract to manage .free in their TLD portfolio.

.foodNovember 10

When the new TLD program began, Minds+Machines and celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck teamed up to secure and promote the .food TLD. The idea evidently was that Minds+Machines would apply for and manage .food while Puck would be used to promote it.

Minds+Machines says that when Wolfgang's wife got involved the couple demanded involvement in non-.food TLDs Minds+Machines was working on while the Pucks claim Minds+Machines reneged on their deal.

In the end, .food went to Lifestyle Domains Holding Company with Verisign serving as the technical backend. It doesn't seem like any celebrity chefs are as-yet on board.

.boxNovember 11

Initially in the application process, ICANN flagged .box as a potential source of name collision issues, but not long afterwards (a matter of weeks, really) ICANN removed the block on the .box application (among others) and allowed it to proceed as normal.

It was delegated to NS1 Limited, a Hong Kong based company, who beat out Amazon for this TLD. Backend services will be provided by Neustar.

.cruise November 12

The .cruise application was one of the TLD applications that got a warning from ICANN's GAC (Government Advisory Committee) because both applicants — Cruise Lines International Association Inc. and Viking River Cruises Ltd. were single companies within the cruise line industry seeking to register the TLD for their entire sector.

As has been the case for other applications the GAC gave such warnings for (most prominently Amazon's .book application), the ICANN board approved the delegation of .cruise to Viking River Cruises Ltd. (with Afilias acting as the backend provider).

.boston November 29

For some reason geoTLDs were much more popular when ICANN opened applications for new gTLDS for Europe much more than in the US. While there are now nearly thirty delegated new European gTLDs, .boston joins .nyc and .miami as one of a much smaller number of US cohort (.quebec is Canada's only new geoTLD so far, Africa has just three, Asia has 13, Oceania two and just .rio for South America).

Backed up by a letter of support from the City of Boston, the Boston Globe newspaper applied for and was delegated this TLD and got it totally uncontroversially.
Which makes it somewhat of an ideal new gTLD. The community served, being geographic rather than conceptual, is clearly delineated, the applicant has a clear stake in that community and has the full support of the clear, entitled representatives of the community.

.catholic, .天主教, .كاثوليك, .католик

These three TLDs are more like a BrandTLD, but worth mentioning. As you may have guessed, the Roman Catholic church applied for .catholic. The .天主教, .كاثوليك, and .католик TLDs (Chinese, Arabic and Cyrillic, respectively) are all just alternate script transliterations of the same. And that makes intuitive sense, even if this is the only application so far for a TLD on the part of a world religion.

However, the Roman Catholic Church isn't the only Christian religion to use this label and it was the Saudi Arabian government (because ... who else?) who raised this point in objecting to these three TLDs (among others).

While the Vatican has previously issued statements disparaging some of the kinds of content that has become widespread with the advent of the internet, applying for these new TLDs also shows a willingness to participate in the internet as well.

As we've seen in months past, making sure the communities represented by a particular TLD are given their say in the process was one of the key goals of ICANN's new gTLD program. This month's crop of newly-delegated TLDs is full of odd balls that nonetheless show interesting ways in which communities react to the creation of new TLDs, whether related or not.

What makes a work of art? A century ago, experts might have measured art by its technical skill, a mastery of composition and form, or the even the inspiration of some kind of pathos on the part of the observer. But then artists and their appreciators spent decades jackhammering these sacred cows of artistic value, constantly re-sculpting and remolding the definition of art itself.

But we're not here to solve the unresolved tensions of art theory. Suffice it to say that art has value. At least to some. When some new expression of the artistic zeitgeist comes along, if you're the type of person or organization that can't miss out, then we have some important news for you.

On December 7, 2016 .art, the only TLD oriented specifically to the art world, is entering the Sunrise phase. That means if you're in that world and you have a trademark registered with Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH), you can register your .art domain for $300.62 for first year registration*, ahead of anyone else, until February 7, 2017.

Art-related non-profits, museums, institutions, galleries, and artists without a TMCH-registered trademark won't miss out entirely, though.

From February 8, 2017, until May 9, 2017, such established members of the art world can register their .art domains at Landrush pricing  per year**.

Finally, .art domains can also now be purchased in the GoLive phase, which begins May 10, 2017. Domains purchased in this phase are available for $17.44 per year at A rates* and are open to anyone with a creative spirit and an interest in art. However you want to define it.

Register your .art?


*Prices in USD. For local pricing, see .art page.

**Landrush pricing for .art has yet to be finalized. We will let you know what those prices are when they become available.

In order to further improve domain name security, ICANN has recently implemented new rules and procedures governing domain name ownership. These rules in particular are in regards to changes made to domain name contact information, most notably the email address.

This new procedure, which takes effect on December 1, 2016, will involve sending a confirmation link to both the current and future email addresses (as is currently done for domain name transfers and ownership changes). The change can only be completed once both links have been accepted. Then, once it has been completed, a confirmation email is sent to both email addresses as notification of the change.

This new process also includes a transfer lock on domain names associated with any "owner" contacts (or "administrative" contacts in certain cases) after undergoing an email change. This lock will prevent the domain name from being transferred for a period of 60 days following the email update.

ICANN now provides the option for a "Designated Agent" to waive this 60-day lock, and as we are aware that this new obligation makes the transfer process more complicated, especially should you ever lose access to the email address currently on your account, we have chosen to allow you to authorize Gandi to act as your Designated Agent and remove the 60-day transfer lock, which we will do by default when selecting this option.

To make Gandi your Designated Agent, you would just need to confirm Gandi's new contract during your next email address change or domain name operation. The new contract adds this notion of a Designated Agent, thereby allowing us to remove the transfer lock whenever you choose to update your email address.

This new process will require some additional development on our part, though, so we will not be able to implement this feature immediately on December 1. Unfortunately, this means in the meantime, you will be temporarily unable to modify your email address via our website except through our manual validation process. For that, you  just need to request the email change following the manual email change process with our customer care team.

We expect the process to be fully automated sometime in mid-December 2016, at which point it will become available directly from our website. Check back for future upates as we will be posting them here when they come in.


[UPDATE  - January 2017] 

We have completed the development of a way to make this process automatic. It is therefore now possible for you to update the email address linked to your handle from the Account Management section of our website once you are logged into it. You can find some more information on this in our related wiki page, notably concerning the acceptance of the new contract that covers the "Designated Agent" notion.

It is also possible to update a handle's email address via our public API. However, you must first validate our new contract which includes the notion of "Designated Agent". To do this, you need to initiate a new domain name operation (renewal, registration, transfer) via our website, and validate the new contract during the operation. Once this step has been achieved, you will be able proceed with email changes on handles as desired, using the contact.update method.

We're celebrating Cyber Monday all this week and into the next with this 80% off sale on appropriately wintery TLD .ski, organic non-GMO TLD .bio and brutalist TLD .archi.

Starting Monday November 28 and going until November 30, 2016 at 3:59 PM PST .ski and  .bio domains will be available for just $10.00 per year* and .archi will be available for just $16.00 per year*.

Register a domain under one of these TLDs?:


*Prices in USD. See .ski, .bio and .archi pages for local prices.

Blogs are so ubiquitous these days, we've started to take them for granted. But when blogs first came out they were a big deal. Blogs made it possible to publish things online without having to write out the HTML (or other code) and upload directly to a server using FTP.

With a blog you can sign in, type right into your web browser, and publish with a single click. It didn't just make the web easier, it opened up a whole world to the technically inexperienced masses.

And that's why it's a big deal that as for today, .blog, the blog-oriented new TLD, is open to the masses too: it has now entered the GoLive phase. You can now get your .blog for just $38.35 per year at A rates*.

Because the blogs make the internet easy, we're making blogging easy with one-click Wordpress installation on our Simple Hosting instances.

You're already entitled to a ten-day free trial on Simple Hosting, and when you register your .blog domain at Gandi, we'll give you a promo code for 50% off a one-year subscription.

Start a .blog?



*Prices in USD. See .blog for local pricing details.

Want this look?

First, start off with the brows. We're using a repeating black and gray textured image.

Next, for our foundation we're using a grey with just a slight hint of yellow in it, with some bright white concealer. No blending.

And then, of course, we do some contouring with a big bright GoLive phase. And now, as of November 8, 2016, top off this look or any other with a .makeup domain. L'Oréal's .makeup TLD is now in the GoLive phase and as such is open to all and available for $250.61 per year at A rates*.

Get this look? Register your .makeup:


*Prices in USD. See .makeup pricing page for local prices.

When we checked in on the new gTLD program in June, we mentioned very briefly a "control mechanism" called DPML which has been, for some time now, implemented by Donuts. In particular, we noted how successful this program has been and speculated that we may see such mechanisms applied across-the-board by ICANN, especially when the next round of new gTLD applications opens.

But for now, Donuts is still fine-tuning this feature and making adjustments and changes as it goes along. That's especially the case when it comes to pricing.

As of January 1, 2017, prices for their DPML service, which Donuts is now calling "Legacy DPML" are doubling. At the same time, for a limited time, they are now offering an enhanced, "upgrade" under the name DPML Plus.

About DPML

We need to back up a little bit, though, to talk about what exactly this feature is. DPML stands for Domains Protected Marks List. Donuts, the registry with the largest new gTLD portfolio out there, since the beginning of 2014 has been letting trademark owners leverage their large portfolio to protect their brand names against cybersquatters on all TLDs for which they are responsible. Donuts TLD portfolio is now at almost 200 TLDs. Instead of having to defensively register terms, which can entail rapidly ballooning costs (there are now over a thousand active new gTLDs), DPML customers pay less and get protection across Donuts's entire portfolio.

To purchase the service, trademark owners first submit a request to Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH). Then, using the SMD file received from TMCH, they can request a "block" on a protected term. A blocked domain, then, simply cannot be registered and will not have DNS resolution. In effect, it's the same outcome that most people want with a defensive registration, but with no actual domain name registration involved and hence a lower cost associated.

If you purchase a DPML block, you can protect your trademark or related terms for a period of five to ten years with the option to renew annually after that.

If a trademark holder attempts to register a domain only to find it blocked, if they have the SMD file for an applicable TMCH claim, they can then request a DPML Override.

If you would like to know all the details, Donuts has a complete overview of the service available on their site.


In addition to raising the price on this "legacy" service, from October 1 through December 31, Donuts is offering a special promotion on DPML Plus, the new, enhanced versione. DPML Plus will only be available during the three-month promotion period. In the meantime, they have ceased invoicing override fees.

DPML Plus will include a few tempting new enhancements that are not part of the "legacy" service and will not be available for blocks purchased after the new year. These enhancements include:

  • Domain blocks will start at an initial 10 years
  • Block not only the TMCH-registered term but also three additional terms (such as spelling variations or related terms) across all TLDs managed by Donuts
  • Extended protection over all new gTLDs managed by Donuts whether "classic" or "premium" (the "legacy" service does not include premiums)
  • Unlimited overrides without additional fees
  • Block an override requested by another TMCH holder of an identical term
  • Optional add-on to block three more terms for an added fee

Any current DPML registration is eligible for a discounted upgrade to DPML Plus. Otherwise anyone wishing to renew the "legacy" service before the price increase on January 1st can do so before December 31.

As always, feel free to contact us if you have any questions about this and especially if you'd like to sign up for the DPML Plus service. We also recommend taking a look at the information published by Donuts on their site.

One common concern about the new gTLD program is the difficulty and expense of protecting intellectual property from domain squatters. With DPML and the new DPML Plus products, Donuts offers one more cost-conscious solution. We'll be interested to watch this service and how ICANN may incorporate some of its features into the new gTLD program as a whole in the coming months and years.

After a flood of Brand TLDs delegated and in September very few TLDs delegated, ICANN is back to adding strings to the root zone at a steady clip with three generic TLDs added this month.

The three generic TLDs delegated this month pose the question: Who is the best steward of a TLD closely associated with real world organizations?

The application process and final delegation results for .radio, .basketball, and .baseball provide an answer to this question. But not without some messy fights between some of the respective applicants.


.radioOctober 12

There were four applicants for .radio, three of which—BRS Media Inc. (registry for .am and .fm), Donuts (who submitted a PIC) and Afilias—submitted a standard application while the fourth, the European Broadcasting Union (or EBU) submitted a Community Priority Application.

If you're familiar with the Eurovision contest, then you're at least passingly familiar with EBU (in fact, they also applied for .eurovision as a Brand TLD). Besides that, they are an international association composed largely of national, government-sponsored or government-run broadcasters. Their application was additionally supported by the World Broadcasting Unions (WBU) and the Association Mondiale des Radiodiffuseurs Communautaires (AMARC) as well as a number of other amateur and professional radio organizations.

Because EBU submitted their application for this domain as a Community Priority Application, ICANN considered their application first, before any of the standard applications were considered. For obvious reasons, the companies who had submitted their applications as standard applications opposed EBU's community application. BRS Media attacked EBU with particular vehemence.

Community Priority Applications are evaluated by a panel of ICANN-appointed but independent experts who score applications on numerous criteria with a total possible score of 16. A minimum score of 14 is required to pass, and EBU's application barely cleared this hurdle.

The specific objections to the decision came down to the question of whether EBU should represent the "radio community." BRS Media in particular vocally complained that ICANN's decision would create a narrow definition of the radio community. They also asserted EBU had a conflict of interest for having joined ICANN's GAC (Government Advisory Committee) as an observer. BRS, along with Affilias and other standard applicants, filed a request for independent review of the ICANN board's final decision, which was flatly denied and ultimately withdrawn.

With the delegation of .radio, EBU plans to set up a World .Radio Advisory Board to define policies on accepting domain applicants, with preference being given to broadcast radio stations and then internet radio.

.basketballOctober 19

Next up, .basketball was delegated to FIBA (Fédération Internationale de Basketball Amateur), the international basketball organization responsible for, among other things, establishing the rules of the sport, appointing referees and establishing control for international competition such as in the Olympics.

In their application, FIBA partnered with ROAR Domains, a New Zealand based company that also supported the International Rugby Board in its .rugby application.

Among FIBA's competition for .basketball was Donuts, the "portfolio" registry co-founded by current CEO Paul Stahura, also founder of the registrar eNom and winner of the 2012 Domainer of the year award. ROAR attempted to wield this reputation against Donuts, telling Donuts that they would seek Donuts's disqualification not just for .baskteball but as a registry

Donuts, of course, is now the registry for nearly 200 TLDs comprising almost 2 million domains.

However, .basketball is not one of them.

.baseballOctober 30

A final entry in this month's study of who makes the most appropriate steward of a TLD focused on a specific group or topic is .baseball. There were two applicants for this TLD: Donuts (under the guise of Silver Pass LLC), and MLB Advanced Media DH, LLC, which is a partnership of Major League Baseball team owners for the purposes of running MLB-branded internet and "interactive" media, including MLB's website and the websites of each of the individual teams.

This was the least contentious of the three TLDs we're covering this month, but with this we'll point out that .baseball's technical backend will notably not be handled by MLB Advanced Media itself but Neustar, a well-established registry.

Likewise, .basketball's technical backend will be managed by CentralNic, another established registry founded in 1995. The technical backend for .radio, however will be handled by Knipp Medien und Kommunikation GmbH, a small registrar and more recently registry based in Germany.

The point though, is that the question of whether each of these TLDs should be managed by a company or organization close to the existing industry or activity represented by that TLD is largely irrelevant on a technical level. Where it matters is in deciding who should be the one to market the new TLD to the niche market covered by it.

In many cases, ICANN has entrusted so-called portfolio registries to market extensions as they see fit. In these three delegated this month, ICANN has accepted applications, in some cases despite occasionally significant contention, from groups associated with the meaning of the TLD itself.

These examples don't necessarily prove that one model is better than any other, but as .radio, .basketball, and .baseball enter the market, we'll see whether these decisions were good for marketing these TLDs.

Keep an eye on this page as well as ICANN's delegated strings page for updates and remember:

Just because we've featured a TLD in this feature doesn't mean Gandi will be offering it any time soon. We don't know yet how they'll be rolled out to the market, so we can't say for sure whether we'll be offering them at Gandi. We'll try our best, though.

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