Why .bzh?
Why offer you a .bzh domain name?
Open since 2014, .bzh was created specifically for the Northwestern French region of Brittany. The goal of .bzh is to promote the region, but also all the online businesses and activities that have a connection to it, particularly the tourism industry. "Bzh" is short for "Breizh," which means "Brittany" in Breton, the local Celtic dialect. Currently, more than 10,000 .bzh domain names have been registered.
Give a Breton flavor to your domain name with .bzh
If your business has some connection or other with the French region of Brittany, .bzh will be especially useful to you. If your business is located in this region, if you have customers there, or if you want to develop your presence in this market, .bzh is ideal for you. By using .bzh, you're developing a clear, online communication strategy related to your business, all while registering with a reputable and secure domain ending.
A .bzh is especially sutiable for certain industries
In the past few years, the abbreviation "bzh" to represent Brittany has become much more popular thanks to a well run publicity campaign undertaken by the region and its business community. Getting a .bzh helps you more easily reach internet users with a link to Brittany.
.bzh 網域名稱的規則與細節

Gandi.net之下的 .BZH 域名
委任: Gandi自2014年8月起獲得Association www.bzh委任。
分配:.BZH 限制註冊,您必須符合以下條件之一:
- 位於布列塔尼(阿摩爾,科特迪瓦維萊訥,非尼斯泰爾,莫比漢,盧瓦爾河大西洋省)的居住地,總部或辦公室,或
- 註冊域名的六個月內需完成專門介紹布列塔尼和不列顛文化的網站的重要原始內容,或
- 註冊域名的六個月內需完成網站的語言支援以不列顛或加洛語,或
- www.bzh 的常規會員,該協會聚集了語言和文化社區的代表。
語法:1 至 63 個英數符號與 1 個連字符號(開頭、結尾、第三與第四位置不得為連字符號)
國際字元 (IDN):不支援
註冊期限:1 至 10 年。
續約: 域名將於到期時被停用,但您仍可於到期日起 45 天內進行續約。
爭議:統一快速暫停系統(URS) 及 統一域名爭議解決政策(UDRP)
移轉(變更域名註冊商): 移轉請求需於新的域名註冊商的網站上提出。請確認您有該域名的授權認證碼(請向原域名註冊商索取)並確認該域名非處於『禁止轉移 (TransferProhibited)』狀態,已註冊超過 60 天,並且在過去 60 天內沒有移轉過域名。將會透過電子郵件進行認證,域名將在移轉時續用一年。
所有權變更: 所有權變更程序可於 Gandi 網站上進行。並且需雙方進行電子郵件確認,域名到期日並不會改變。
刪除程序: 隔離期 30 天,續約時間表
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