.bank 域名價格



.BANK is an extension dedicated to bank sector


  • 能保護您網域的免費SSL憑證
  • Gandi 的 LiveDNS 名稱伺服器支援 Anycast + DNSSEC
  • 10,000 個別名與轉址位址

This extension requires subscribing to Gandi's Corporate Services.

This extension is only available for customers that have subscribed to a Gandi Corporate Services contract. For more information please contact our Corporate Services team.

.bank domain prices



per year
  • From 1 to 10 years



  • 續用域名的最小期間



per year
  • From 1 to 9 years
  • Late renewal (domain suspended): 45 days after the domain's expiration date - HK$10,961.84
Pricing Options Prices for 香港, taxes excluded, in HK$ (HKD)

Other prices and periods


30 days after the late renewal period


the first year, then renewal at normal price

Owner Change



Period before release

Pending Delete

5 days

after the restoration period

Rules and particularities of .bank domain names



Related Contract

View the .bank contract

由 Gandi.net 管理的 .BANK 域名

委任: Gandi 自 2015 年 4 月起獲得 .BANK 域名註冊局委任。您必須了解非標準域名具有非制式註冊和續約定價,因此 .BANK 非標準域名的費用可能與標準域名的費用有所不同。
如註冊局拒絕您的註冊請求(意即,你沒有通過資格審核),驗證費(已包含在你支付給 Gandi 的金額內)將不退款。


Assigning: .BANK domain names are reserved to (1.) state, regional and provincial banks that are chartered and supervised by a government regulatory authority; (2.) savings associations that are chartered and supervised by a government regulatory authority; (3.) national banks that are chartered and supervised by a government regulatory authority, (4.) associations whose members are primarily comprised of entities identified above in 1, 2 and 3; (5.) groups of associations whose members are primarily comprised of associations identified above in 4; (6.) service providers that are principally owned by or predominantly supporting regulated entities identified above in 1, 2 and 3. (if approved by the Registry Operator Board); and (7.) government regulators of chartered and supervised banks or savings associations or organizations whose members are primarily comprised of such government regulators (if approved by the Registry Operator Board).
The domain name requested must correspond to a trademark, trade name or service mark of the business or organization.
You commit yourself to comply with the Registry's policies: https://www.register.bank/policies/, and in particular Registrant Eligibility Policy, Name Selection Policy and Security Requirements.
The security requirements are available at the following page: https://www.register.bank/security/.
- Email authentication to ensure brand protection by mitigating spoofing, phishing and other malicious email borne activities.
- Multi-factor authentication (in particular for your Gandi account) to ensure that any change to registration data is made only by authorized users of the registered entity.
- .BANK domain names must use .BANK DNS Name Servers to ensure compliance with technical requirements.
- Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) to ensure that Internet users are landing on legitimate websites and not being misdirected to malicious ones.
- Strong Encryption (i.e., TLS) to ensure confidentiality and integrity of communications and transactions over the Internet.
Syntax: from 2 to 63 alphanumeric characters or a hyphen (excluding in the first and last place and third and fourth place)
IDN (accented domain names): no
Registration period: 1 to 10 years
Second-level extensions: no


如您要註冊 .BANK 域名,請透過以下的網址成為我們的企業戶用戶,或與我們的企業戶團隊聯繫:https://www.gandi.net/corporate
在您註冊域名之前,您必須填寫申請表單來驗證您的註冊資格。如果您符合註冊條件,域名管理局會提供您一個密鑰,這個密鑰可以在 15 天之內註冊此域名。您必須在我們的網站註冊域名的時候提供這個密鑰,以便我們可以完成您的註冊程序。
續約: 域名將於到期時被停用,但您仍可於到期日起 45 天內進行續約。
爭議處理機制: 統一快速暫停系統(URS), 統一域名爭議解決政策(UDRP) and ERDRP
移轉 (變更域名註冊商): 移轉請求需於新的域名註冊商的網站上提出。請確認您有該域名的授權認證碼 (請向原域名註冊商索取)並確認該域名非處於『禁止移轉 (TransferProhibited)』狀態、不會於短期內過期,且已註冊 60 天以上,或過去 60 天內未進行移轉。您需透過電子郵件確認域名移轉請求,該域名的到期日於移轉完成後將續用 1 年。
所有權變更: 所有權變更程序可於 Gandi 網站上進行,目前的程序是寄送確認電子郵件給域名的原任及新任域名所有權人雙方進行確認。該域名的到期日於所有權變更完成後並不會改變。
刪除程序: 隔離期 30 天,請參閱 續約_贖回及刪除的時間點 表格

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