.dk 域名价格




It includes

  • a free SSL certificate to secure your domain
  • LiveDNS nameservers Anycast
  • 10,000 email aliases and forwarding addresses

.dk 网域名称的价格



  • 1



  • 不会改变到期日



  • 1
价格选项 适用中国地区的价格 (税:不含);币别:¥ (CNY)




.dk 网域名称的规则与细节




Accreditation: Gandi has been accredited .dk since October 2010.


Assigning: .DK domain names are open to everyone.

Syntax: From 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or a hyphen (excluding in the first and last place).

IDN (accented domain names): Yes.

Registration period: 1 year.

Second-level extensions: No.


Technical requirements: Your registration application must specify at least 2 name servers (DNS) approved by the Registry and correctly configured for the domain name. You can:
- indicate Gandi's DNS (approved by the Registry) or,
- before your registration request, if the DNS you choose are not already approved, fill out the DNS approval procedure on the Registry website.
You can check if the DNS are approved here: https://self-service.punktum.dk/ (“Name Server” search)
You can check if the DNS are correctly configured for the domain name here: https://zonemaster.punktum.dk/

Registration: if you are a legal person, during your registration request you must provide:
- your CVR number if you are located in Denmark,
- your VAT number for other persons
In order to finalize your registration and have the domain name registered, you have to enter into a registration agreement directly with the Registry within 4 days, otherwise your registration request will be canceled. The Registry will contact you by email with the corresponding instructions. Verification procedure: the Registry verifies the personal contact information of contacts associated to .DK domain names:
- If you are located in Denmark, the Registry verifies your name and address with the information in the Danish Civil Registration Register (CPR-register) for individuals or in the Danish Central Business Register (CVR-register) for legal persons. In order to proceed to the verification, you have to log on Registry interface with your NemID and enter your CPR or CVR number. The domain name will remain inactive until you complete the verification process. You have the entire duration of the initial registration term (1 year) to proceed to that verification, otherwise the domain name will be deleted by the Registry.
- If your are located outside of Denmark: the Registry may ask you to submit documentation verifying that the address and identity provided are correct. The Registry provides detailed instructions in the notification accompanying the request for documentation. Documentation must be in Danish or English. If you do not provide the requested documentation within 30 days, the Registry will delete your domain name.
In any case the Registry may proceed to a verification at any time during the registration of your domain name and request supporting documents. If the requested documentation is not provided within the given deadline, your domain name will be deleted.

Change of DNS: the new DNS have to be approved by the registry and be correctly configured for the domain name. The DNS change can be made via your Gandi interface as usually, then the registry sends you an email requesting you approve the nameserver change.

Modification of the contact details: updating the contact information associated to a .DK domain name via your Gandi interface is not automatically reflected to the .DK Registry and can not be done by Gandi. To be effective with the Registry, the update must also be made by you via the Registry interface.

Renewal: no later than 26 days before the expiration date

Disputes: Complaints Board

Transfer (change of Registrar): the request is launched from the website of the domain's new registrar, be sure that your domain name does not expire in less than 1 month. The effective transfer is subject to your validation by email and does not change the domain name expiration date.

Change of Ownership: the change owner is launched from the Registry interface, the process is explain at the following page: https://punktum.dk/en/articles/procedure-for-transferring-a-domain-name
Once the owner has been effectively changed at the Registry, please contact our customer service department to update our internal database in accordance.
The owner change of a .DK domain name does not change the domain name expiration date.

Deletion process: the domain is released to the registry 25 days before the expiration date, you may still proceed to the late renewal of the domain name during at least 25 days at normal price, by contacting our customer department. Then the domain name can be restored for an additional 3 months period at a higher price, by contacting our customer department

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