.new 域名价格




  • 能保护您网域的免费SSL凭证
  • Gandi 的 LiveDNS 名称伺服器支援 Anycast + DNSSEC
  • 10,000 个别名与转址位址

.new 网域名称的价格



  • 110



  • 续用域名的最小期间



  • 19
  • 最后续约时间 (已暂停域名):网域名称到期后 45 天内 — 3,652.00元
价格选项 适用中国地区的价格 (税:不含);币别:¥ (CNY)



最后续约日的 30 天后








5 天


.new 网域名称的规则与细节


.NEW domain names at Gandi.net

Accreditation: Gandi has been accredited for .NEW domain names since October 2019

Terms and Conditions

Assigning: .NEW domain names are open to everyone.
All .NEW domain names must be used for action generation or online content creation where the user should be able to “create” something without any further navigation. Examples from Google include docs.new and slides.new, which resolve to a new document creation page. Any .NEW domain name need to be live within 100 days of registration. Domain names that do not comply with these requirements may be suspended or deleted for non-compliance.
.NEW is a security-focused space, meaning that HTTPS is required for all websites. The entire .NEW namespace has been added to the HSTS Preload list. To work properly in browsers, you will need to obtain a SSL certificate and configure the HTTPS serving
Syntax: from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or a hyphen (excluding in the first and last place and third and fourth place)
IDN (accented domain names): yes
Registration period: 1 to 10 years during general availability and limited registration period, 1 year during Sunrise
Second-level extensions: no


Registration: the opening of .NEW domain names will occur in several phases:
- Sunrise (October 15 2019 to January 14 2020): Only holders of a trademark registered with TMCH are eligible to make a request during this period. Defensive registrations are possible, but if you use the domain name you will have to be compliant with Registry use restrictions (domain names must be used for action generation or online content creation). Domain names are allocated under the first come first served basis.
- Limited Registration Period (January 14 to July 14 2020): You have to submit your registration request to the Registry for verification via the form available at https://whats.new/apply. This process will ensure that only compliant use-cases will be validated. The Registry will review the requests by batches from December 2 2019 to June 21 2020 midnight PST (June 22 08:00 UTC). At the end of each batch, applications will be reviewed and tokens will be sent to successful applicants. If multiple applicants in a same batch submit compliant applications for a same domain name, the domain name will be allocated to the strongest use case based on evaluation by the Registry. The token will only be valid for the specific domain name being allocated and will have to be used before its expiry date. You will have to submit your token to Gandi in order to finalized your registration request.
- General availability (July 21 2020): Open to anyone provided you comply with Registry use conditions.
Renewal: domains are deactivated upon expiration. It is possible to renew up to 45 days following the expiration date
Disputes: URS and UDRP
Transfer (change of Registrar): the process is started on the new registrar's interface with an auth code. Ensure that your domain does not have a TransferProhibited status, is older than 60 days and has not been transferred in the last 60 days. The effective transfer depends on your validation (by email) and renews the domain name for one year
Change of Ownership: available on our interface, the current procedure consists in email confirmation by both former and new domain name owner. The expiration date is unchanged
Deletion process: quarantine of 30 days, see this table

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