TLDs | Creation | Transfer | Renewal | Owner Change | Restore |
.wales | $25.23 | $21.39 | $64.29 | FREE | $25.23 |
.wang | $18.30 | $15.50 | $53.57 | FREE | $89.66 |
.watch | $59.03 | $50.01 | $128.61 | FREE | $155.73 |
.web | Coming soon... | ||||
.webcam | $51.32 | $43.54 | $96.45 | FREE | $153.16 |
.website | Promo | $26.99 | $53.52 | FREE | $112.81 |
.wed | This extension is unavailable for purchase. See why. | ||||
.wedding | $51.36 | $43.52 | $96.45 | FREE | $139.13 |
.wf | $20.10 | $20.10 | $53.57 | FREE | $21.39 |
.whoswho | $6,772.94 | $6,759.07 | $10,998.69 | FREE | $6,772.94 |
.wien | $79.52 | $67.38 | $160.77 | FREE | $166.67 |
.wiki | $42.75 | $36.22 | $117.89 | FREE | $148.69 |
.win | $51.38 | $43.54 | $117.89 | FREE | $147.02 |
.wine | $97.26 | $82.40 | $214.37 | FREE | $176.45 |
.work | $18.29 | $15.50 | $42.85 | FREE | $114.49 |
.works | $59.03 | $50.01 | $128.61 | FREE | $155.73 |
.world | $59.04 | $50.04 | $128.61 | FREE | $156.32 |
.wow | Coming soon... | ||||
.ws | $52.50 | $42.96 | $117.89 | FREE | $118.76 |
.wtf | $49.71 | $49.71 | $117.89 | FREE | $155.73 |
.watches | $562.80 | $443.29 | $1,093.41 | FREE | $496.91 |
Domain name prices may vary due to changes in the registries domain name cost or the current euro/dollar exchange rate. Gandi reserves the right to change its domain name prices in response to strong variations of domain cost or exchange rate. Non-EU residents and EU companies (outside of France) with an intra-community VAT number will not be charged VAT. The Current VAT rate is 20% if you are paying within France.
請注意!上表所列的域名註冊價格並未包含您使用 Gandi 服務所需的設備、連線及通訊費用,這些費用需由您自行負擔。
如果您持有的網域名稱最多只有 45 個(並且每個域名費用未超過大約NTD$450),則可適用我們的 A 方案費率,該費率包含 Gandi 所有的服務。
如果您是持有超過 45 個網域名稱的大型客戶或是經銷商,依照您過去累積的消費,將可採用 B 至 E 方案的費率,最高可享有 5 折的優惠(例如:採用 E 方案費率,您便可以用每年約 NTD$270 的優惠價,買到 .com 域名)。
若您對域名價格及付款方式有任何問題,請查閱 Gandi 的線上文件。