.商标 domain prices
Rules and particularities of .商标 domain names

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.商标 domains at Gandi.net
Accreditation: Gandi has been accredited for .商标 since April, 2016Terms and Conditions
Assigning: .商标 domain name registrations are open only to individuals and organizations who hold valid trademark registrations. You may rely on Your existing trademark registrations to apply to register “.商标” domain names in accordance with the Registration Policy of the Registry. Gandi does not allow registration of .商标 grounded on sole trademark application.You shall be responsible for maintaining that the registered trademark used for the .商标 domain name registration is valid and in effect. If the Registry discovers that the registered trademark used for the .商标 domain name registration is no longer valid due to failure to renew its validation in accordance with the requirements of the designated places, a notification will be sent to You and the relevant domain name will be placed in “server hold” status (prohibited from resolving, renewal, update and transfer). The relevant domain name will only be removed from “server hold” status provided that You submit proof of a valid registered trademark to the Registry is validated.
Such Registration Proof must be issued by a recognized intellectual property organization of a nation/territory/region (excluding states, provinces, cities, etc.) or a member state of the Madrid Protocol (“Designated Place”). The list of Designated Places currently adopted by the ".商标" Domain Registry is set out in Appendix I. The list may be revised by the ".商标" Domain Registry from time to time. The requirements of evidential materials relating to the Registration Proof are set out in Paragraph 1.6 of the Policy of the Registry: http://www.nic.商标/
Syntax: from 3 to 63 alphanumeric characters or a hyphen (excluding in the first and last place and third and fourth place)
IDN (accented domain names): yes
Registration period: 10 years during the first registration 1 to 10 years during general availability upon renewal
Second-level extensions: no
Registration:The following shall be deemed as acceptable domain names:
→ domain names consisting of the whole trademark name as shown on the registration proof or the application proof
→ registration based on a complete name which constitutes an independent part of the trademark as shown on the registration proof. Disclaimed words in a trademark registration can be omitted from the domain name
The naming sequence of the characters in a trademark shall follow the sequence shown in the registration proof.
If the registration proof does not conclusively show the sequence in which the characters of the domain name should appear, the application will be referred to an independent team of specialists within the .商标 Registry who may conduct independent research on how the characters are ordered, checking the trademark owner's website.
During registration You will be requested to forward Your documents to Gandi which will upload the said document on the Registry's platform.
→ .商标 domain name registrants relying on valid trademark registration shall provide the following documents:
(I) a scanned copy of the applicant's identification:
Including but not limited to its business licence, business registration certificate, organization code certificate, or personal identity card as the case may be
(ii) Scanned copy of other registration proof (if applicable)
Including but not limited to proof of trademark renewal, transfer, variation.
(iii) scanned copy of the signed .商标 Domain name Registration Undertaking
Renewal: domains are deactivated upon expiration. It is possible to renew up to 45 days following the expiration date
Disputes: URS and UDRP
Transfer (change of Registrar): the process is started on the new registrar's interface with an auth code. Ensure that your domain does not have a TransferProhibited status, is older than 60 days and has not been transferred in the last 60 days. The effective transfer depends on your validation (by email) and renews the domain name for one year
Change of Ownership: The ownership change process is not available on Our Interface. Any change to the registrant particulars of a registrant .商标 shall require the submission of supporting evidence and the approval of the .商标 domain Registry or the accredited Registrars. The owner change of a domain name does not change the domain's expiration date.
Deletion process: quarantine of 30 days, see this table
Frequently Asked Questions
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How do I choose the right domain for me?
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- Check the domain availability of your ideal domain name with our domain search tool
- See all the domain name extensions (over 750) we offer
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- WHOIS: view publicly available domain name information
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