Why .bio?
Choose a .bio domain name
Created in the early 2010s in order to offer a more diverse alternative to traditional domain endings (like .com and .net) that were getting increasingly saturated, .bio is in keeping with new societal attitudes and aspirations that aim to consume better while respecting the planet and paying attention to the ecological impact of our actions. This domain ending is thus used in many business sectors that are part of this increased awareness: agricultural and food businesses, clothing and cosmetics manufacturers, even certain scientific organizations and endeavours.
.bio is more relevant than ever
Organic agriculture and production has seen remarkable growth in the last decade or so: successive ecological catastrophes and overconsumption of certain resources have led many to reconsider their consumption habits, which has driven businesses to sell new products to keep up with demand, most of all in developed countries with stable economies.
An international identity with .bio
Since the term "bio" is used across languages, a .bio domain name allows you to easily identify yourself as a business or an individual that respects certain values. Internet users can trust a .bio website, first of all from a security perspective, but also because it guarantees that they'll be navigating to a site that aligns with their values. In that way, the .bio domain ending lets you reassure your future website's visitors on multiple fronts.
.bio 网域名称的规则与细节

Starting Dot Ltd
由 Gandi.net 管理的 .BIO 域名
委任: Gandi 自 2013 年 11 月起获得 Starting Dot 委任。
Assigning: .BIO domain names are open to anyone. Should you register a .BIO domain name to promote or sell organic products, you commit yourself to respect the Principles of Organic Agriculture as formulated by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements.No specific restrictions apply to other uses of .BIO domain names.
Syntax: from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters or a hyphen (excluding in the first, third and fourth, and last place)
IDN (accented domain names): yes
Registration period: 1 to 10 years
Second-level extensions: no
续约: 域名将于到期时被停用,但您仍可于到期日起45天内进行续约。
争议处理机制: 统一快速暂停系统(URS) 及 统一域名争议解决政策(UDRP)
移转(变更域名注册商): 移转请求需于新的域名注册商的网站上提出。请确认您有该域名的授权认证码(请向原域名注册商索取)并确认该域名非处于‘禁止转移 (TransferProhibited)’状态、不会于短期内过期,且已注册60天以上,或过去60天内未进行移转。您需透过电子邮件确认域名移转请求,该域名的到期日于移转完成后将展期1年。
所有权变更: 所有权变更程序可于Gandi网站上进行,目前的程序是寄送确认电子邮件给域名的原任及新任域名所有权人双方进行确认。该域名的到期日于所有权变更完成后并不会改变。
删除程序: 隔离期30天,请参阅 表格
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