.swiss 网域名称的规则与细节

由Gandi.net管理的 .SWISS域名
委任: Gandi自2015年8月起获得 .SWISS域名注册局委任。服务条款
分配: .SWISS域名开放给瑞士的法人注册使用:- 基于瑞士公法的公家机关或公共组织
- 在瑞士具有一定地位且管理一个有效的网站,并登记于瑞士商业注册底下的法人;或
- 在瑞士具有一定地位且管理一个有效的网站,但并非登记于瑞士商业注册底下的协会或基金会。
所申请的域名名称必须合理的被认为,客观上与申请者或是其所使用的域名具备一定的关联性。一般事由不适用注册使用 (其不影响根据命名授权程序的资格)
Syntax: 3至63个英数符号或1个连字符号(开头与结尾位置不得为连字符号)
IDN(特殊字元域名): 可以,支援拉丁文
注册年限: 正式公开注册后为1至10年,日升期内则为1年。
第二层网域: 不支援
Registration: During the registration, you have to indicate:- the reason of your registration and the intended use of your domain name
- your “enterprise ID”
Once Your .SWISS domain name application is submitted, the Registry will proceed to validation of the registrant contact as well as a preliminary examination of whether the application complies with the eligibility rules. Then the domain is published for 20 days during which applicants may submit a registration application for this same domain name.
Launch phase: All launch phases will run simultaneously with the following priority order
1. Sunrise TMCH
2. other prior rights: You have to chose the Sunrise phase without uploading SMD file. To verify your eligibility, we may request from you additional information
- names matching Indications of Source and Geographical Indications in Switzerland recognized by Swiss Law or by International Treaties in which Switzerland is a member,
- names matching trademarks with effect in Switzerland,
- names of legal entities registered in the Swiss Commercial Register having its seat and an effective site of administration in Switzerland (including clear variations and/or abbreviations thereof)
All applications received during the launch phases are subject to a publication period ending 20 calendar days after the last domain applied for in launch phase has been validated and published. Until the end of those 20 days, any domain applied for may still be applied for by other parties.Renewal: domains are deactivated upon expiration. It is possible to renew up to 45 days following the expiration date
Disputes: URS and UDRP
Transfer (change of Registrar): the process is started on the new registrar's interface with an auth code. Ensure that your domain does not have a TransferProhibited status, will not expire soon, is older than 60 days and has not been transferred in the last 60 days. The effective transfer depends on your validation (by e-mail) and renews the domain for 1 year
Change of Ownership: available on our interface
Deletion process: quarantine of 30 days, see this table
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- Check the domain availability of your ideal domain name with our domain search tool
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- WHOIS资料库:查询域名联络人的公开资料
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