.buy domain names


.buy is the extension that is intended for commerce.

It includes

  • a free SSL certificate to secure your domain
  • LiveDNS nameservers Anycast + DNSSEC
  • 10,000 aliases and forwarding addresses

Why .buy?

Create your succesful online shop with .buy

With a .buy domain name, your website's address clearly communicates that your site is a professional e-commerce space. A .buy domain domain is more versatile than a more traditional .shop domain name. Besides physical products, you can also offer more immaterial products and services. Whatever your business may be, you'll have a trustworthy online shop.

A clear .buy brand identity

Choosing a .buy domain means choosing simplicity. It's all you need to show that your website is an online shop. Your well-selected domain name will be clear, impactful, and easy to remember. Internet users will more easily recognize you, and you will be able to attract more visitors to your sales site.

Easily open up your online business internationally with a .buy domain name

The term "buy" is easily understood, regardless of the nationality or native language of an internet user. Buying a .buy domain name lets you create an online sales space easily identifiable around the world: that makes it completely appropriate if you're goal is to reach new markets.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Gandi offers several different types of quality web hosting that are easy to use:

Explore our various services:

To help secure your website, make use of an SSL certificate from among our offer :

We make the Nextcloud open-source platform easy to install and use. It lets you store, share, and easily engage in collaborative work. It's a great way to control your data online.

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