



プロフェッショナルな Webサイトを成功させるために必要なものがすべて揃っています。

1. プロフェッショナルな Webサイトに最適なソリューションを提供する

ワンクリックの Web サイト パック (WordPress、Prestashop、Nextcloud) を使用すると、Web サイト、通販サイト、または共有ドキュメント ソリューションを数分だけで作成できます。


自分の Web アプリケーションをデプロイしたいですか? あなたのニーズに合ったGandiのサーバーを見つけましょう。


2. ドメイン名を登録する

ドメイン産業で全面的にトップレベルドメイン名を提供するレジストラから、 あなたのからオンライン アイデンティティを見つけられます。

Web サイトパックからを選択すして、80 を超えるトップレベルドメイン名 のいずれか無料のドメイン名を取得できます。

アイデアがありませんか? Gandiの WHOIS ツールが、ドメイン名を提案し、Web サイトに最適なドメイン名のアドレスを提供します。


3. プロフェッショナルメールアドレスを作成する



4. ウェブサイトをセキュアにする

SSL/TLS証明書を無料でインストールして、個人情報が安全な状態にしましょう。 HTTPSプロトコルは、ウェブサイトへの訪問者の信頼を高め、検索エンジンのランキング向上に貢献します。


5. 専門カスタマーサポートを活用する

質問がありますか? Gandiの専門家チームが、簡単で明確な方法で支援し、アドバイスを提供します。 初めて Web サイトを立ち上げたばかりの場合でも、長くオンラインでサイトを運営する場合でも、私たちがあらゆる質問に答えます。




2 months free

Blog, showcase or simple e-commerce site

E-commerce website only

All possible websites


1,400円 月ごと


2,100円 月ごと

Generic hosting

2,100円 月ごと





Generic hosting

Technical competence
Technical competence


Automatic installation

Technical competence

Some knowledge required

Automatic installation

Technical competence


Ease of use
Ease of use


Ease of use

Some learning time required

Ease of use

You develop and install your own interface


Ideal for small budgets


Moderate budget


No budget required if you are able to develop your solution yourself

E-commerce CMS
E-commerce CMS

Add WooCommerce plugin for free

E-commerce CMS

Especially designed for e-commerce

E-commerce CMS

Any CMS is posible (Magento, Drupal, Joomla, etc.)

Product catalog
Product catalog

Yes, with the WooCommerce plugin. Meet the needs of selling online: flash sales, subscription management, etc.

Product catalog

Especially designed for e-commerce

Product catalog

Requires manual development


Wide choice of free themes ou for sale


Free themes and themes for sale (but more limited than WordPress)


Requires manual development


Ability to add numerous additional plugins


Various free add-ons, and additional add-ons for sale


Requires manual development

Multi-language sites
Multi-language sites

Plugins can be added

Multi-language sites

Multi-language, multi-store, and tax calculation included

Multi-language sites

Requires manual development


Used around the world

Free resources available in all languages


Support available in English


No free support available

Welcome Offer New Hosting Client
Welcome Offer New Hosting Client

Pay by the year and get 50% off your first web hosting

Welcome Offer New Hosting Client

Pay by the year and get 50% off your first web hosting

Welcome Offer New Hosting Client

Pay by the year and get 50% off your first web hosting

価格オプション 日本向け価格 (税: excluded) 通貨: ¥ (JPY)

プロフェッショナル Web ホスティングサービスプランのメリット

  • 安全:設定なしで、無料でプロフェッショナルサイトな https提供します。
  • 簡単:一つの管理インターフェイスと自動的にインストールされるコンテンツ管理システム (CMS)を使用すると、最初の Web ページをすぐにオンラインに作成できます。
  • ビジネス展開: ウェブサイトをアップグレードして、ビジネスの成長を支援します。
  • お問い合わせ:オンラインチャットと電子メールで 24時間、周6日、あなたのWebサイトの作成をサポートします。


  • わかりやすいインターフェイス


  • 強化されたセキュリティ

    二要素認証(TOTP および U2F) を利用して、アカウントのセキュリティを強化できます。

  • ドメイン名などの共同管理






  • 1999年に創立

    GandiにはWebスペシャリストが20年以上経験がある、250 万のドメイン名を管理する、200,000 のWebサイト/アプリケーションホストする 、780,000 電子メール、および 55,000 の SSL 証明書を管理しています。

  • 反応が早く専門性があるカスタマーサポート


  • お客様の個人情報を保護


ヘルプが必要ですか? Gandiへのお問い合わせ方法をご確認ください。





FAQ /よくある質問

Creating a website means giving your business a place where you can promote your products and services on the internet, improve your business's visibility in a wider swath of the population, and position yourself as an expert in your field, as well as gain the trust of internet users.

To create a website in under 5 minutes, Gandi offers website plans with automatic installation. To create a website, you just need to follow 3 simple steps:

  1. Choose your web hosting plan, which includes all the products you need to bring your site online. If you want to launch a blog or create a showcase website, we recommend opting for WordPress. If you want to open a shop online, Prestashop is a better CMS option.
  2. Register a domain name, which will be the address of your website. With a Gandi website pack, you get access to you choice of a free domain name in over 80 domain extensions to help you customize your website. To learn more, please see our documentation on domain name registration.
  3. Install an SSL certificate, which will ensure the security of your website. At Gandi, you can get an unlimited number of free SSL certificates. Find the different steps to install your SSL certificate.

Creating an internet site is now an option for anyone and everyone, thanks to a wide variety of available solutions. Your choice of these options mostly depends on the type of website that you want to create and your technical competency. Here are our recommendations for beginners:

Create a blog: we recommend creating a WordPress website. You'll be able to publish your first articles in just a few minutes.

Create a showcase website: WordPress is also the best option for this type of site, with the same Starter web hosting pack.

Start an e-commerce business: to create a e-commerce website, you can choose between WordPress using the WooCommerce plugin and the Prestashop CMS. Prestashop offers a wide variety of features, but it's slightly more challenging to use and requires an Advanced hosting pack.

Whatever your project, if you decide to make a website with WordPress, we recommend starting out with a Starter website pack. Then, as your needs increase, you can upgrade to a higher pack.

The choice between WordPress + WooCommerce and Prestashop as your e-commerce solution depends on your level of technical knowledge.

WordPress is the most popular Content Management System (CMS) in the world due to is ease of use, though it was not originally designed for e-commerce. By adding a free WooCommerce plugin, it's possible to create and manage an e-commerce website, making it the easiest solution to use for beginners.

PrestaShop is the most widely used e-commerce software in the world. Solely dedicated to creating e-commerce websites, PrestaShop provides access to a wide variety of features. It's a little more complicated to use but guarantees a high-performing, 100% customizable e-commerce website.

Having a professional email address associated with your domain name creates a link between your website and the correspondence you have with your customers and prospects. It's an effective means of building your online identity. A professional email address enables you to:

  • Build your website's credibility
  • Earn the trust of your correspondents
  • Secure your communications
  • Easily forward your emails

A professional email address should be short and simple. We recommend that you opt for a standard "firstnamelastname@businessname.tld" format, or the more informal "firstname@businessname.tld." With every Gandi website hosting pack, you can create email addresses with 3 GB or 5GB of data storage. To learn how to create your professional email address, follow the instructions on our online documentation.

An SSL certificate secures your website by ensuring:

  • Data transfers are secure
  • A high quality user experience
  • Better, natural SEO

An SSL certificate is a guarantee of trust for internet users, which makes it essential for any commercial website. At Gandi, an SSL certificate is included with every website pack and the installation process only takes a couple minutes.

A domain name is your website's address, and its starting point. It is a human-readable and easy-to-remember address that groups together the IP addresses of all the different services related to your domain name (like websites and email addresses).

A domain name often uses a brand name of the business that owns it. In any case, domain name should be:

  • Meaningful and relevant
  • Devoid of any grammatical or linguistic errors
  • Descriptive
  • Unique and attractive

If you would like to know more about registering a domain name, please feel free to refer to our documentation.

Gandi's website packs include a free domain name with any of a list of over 80 domain name endings.

If you already have a domain name at another provider, you can still choose WordPress or PrestaShop web hosting. You'll then need to manually configure the DNS records at your domain name provider.

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